
Download Our Brochure

Discover more about Scaldopack's advanced pouch filling and capping machines by downloading our brochure. Learn about our high-quality, flexible solutions designed to optimize your production process. Get detailed insights into our machines’ features, benefits, and unbeatable return on investment. Download now and explore how we can help you stay ahead of the competition!

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Watch demonstrations below.

Monofiller Multihead 2

The Monofiller Multihead 2 is our premium machine that can fill 60 packs per minute through the spout. This machine is used in the food and non-food industry. It can handle high viscous products and products with particles.

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Filling pre-made pouches through the spout and capping them. This “smart” machine can be custom built with a range of different options.

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Monofiller Stepper

Monofiller is a 100% servo controlled spout filling machine. This machine fills pre-spouted pouches through the spout and caps them.

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